Saturday, October 22, 2022

Essay on coaching centres are a threat to schools.

Coaching centres are a threat to schools.

Essay on coaching centres are a threat to schools.


Coaching centres are mushrooming in urban and rural areas offering preparatory classes for various exams such as PMT, IIT, CAT and other group tests at a high cost. A number of coaching centres have mushroomed in urban and rural areas offering preparatory classes for various exams such as PMT, IIT, CAT and other group tests at a high cost. The mushrooming of these coaching centres is also fuelled by illiterate parents who are under the impression that their children will gain knowledge by attending such classes. Most of them are ready to pay a huge amount if they believe that it will help their wards secure admittance to an elite institution. Students hardly get time to study anything other than those related to the entrance test which deprives them of comprehensive knowledge in other areas like science and technical education or social sciences.

Posing a threat to the academic environment in schools, students opt to prepare for selective entrance exams at coaching centres even during school hours.

The students are not able to focus on school work. They are unable to keep up with the curriculum and get time for extracurricular activities. Students don't get enough time to study other topics, so they opt for coaching centres, where they can study at their own pace and learn from their teachers in a more effective manner.

Drawbacks of Coaching Center

Drawbacks of Coaching Center

Students who have been studying at the coaching centre are not able to focus on their studies. They are not able to learn other subjects, which is evident by their poor performances in the annual examinations as well as the dropouts from schools. In addition, the cost of education rises as the level of academic performance increases. For example, a weak student may have to pay extra for a coaching program to improve their grade point average. Not all parents can afford the additional expenses. Since coaching centres believe that students will score more marks if they have a lot of homework, students already receive homework from school, and the extra homework they get from coaching centres will make it difficult for students to refresh during the exam. Due to this, they are under stress and can have many health problems, such as a lack of concentration.

Offering preparatory classes for various exams such as PMT, IIT, CAT and other group tests at a high cost.

coaching centres are a threat to schools.

  • The number of coaching centres in India is huge.

  • The cost of coaching classes is very high.

  • Students enrolled in these classes have to pay an amount ranging from Rs 500-3000 per month and sometimes even more than that, depending on the centre they choose to go to.

  • Quality education provided by these coaching centres has not been good enough at all times as they do not provide proper training or guidance for students who take admission to them or even after completing their courses at such institutes so that they are able to prepare themselves well enough before appearing for exams like CAT, PMT etc., where they need to score high marks because those who don't pass out from such places cannot get job opportunities easily anywhere else in India except Punjab where there exist many Engineering Colleges offering free seats but due to lack of infrastructure facilities like laboratories etc., most engineering colleges cannot accept foreign students whereas our country does not have even one college which provides free seats for international students, unlike the USA where it's common practice for universities across America offer scholarships every year so that students can pursue their studies without worrying about paying any tuition fees.

The lack of infrastructure in schools, particularly rural institutions, has further encouraged students to join these institutes

lack of infrastructure in schools

The lack of infrastructure in schools, particularly rural institutions, has further encouraged students to join these institutes. Students are encouraged by their parents and friends to take up coaching classes so that they can get admission into prestigious colleges like IITs and IIMs.

In addition, there is no proper system for monitoring coaching centres or ensuring adherence by teachers with syllabus prescribed by government institutions or boards like CBSE/ICSE etc.

The mushrooming of these coaching centres is also fuelled by illiterate parents

The mushrooming of these coaching centres is also fuelled by illiterate parents who are under the impression that their children will gain knowledge by attending such classes. Parents do not know that there are many other avenues available to them, like books and the internet, which can help their children to learn without having to pay for expensive tutors.

Parents are also unaware that some of these coaching centres do not teach students how to write essays or solve problems effectively; instead, they just give them the answers and expect them to memorize those answers for future exams. This is because most coaching centres do not provide any training on how essays should be written or how problems should be solved for admission into good universities in India or abroad.

Coaching Centre as a Shortcut to Success

Coaching Centre as a Shortcut to Success

Most of them are ready to pay a huge amount if they believe that it will help their wards secure admittance to an elite institution. They believe that coaching is a shortcut to success and not realizing the long-term consequences of coaching.

They do not know how much time and money they should invest in their children’s education or what role parents play in this process. They just want their children to get admission into good schools, but they are unable to understand the value of school education, which is vital for all our children as well as adults who wish to learn something new every day from childhood till death!

Pressure on Students

Pressure on Students

Students hardly get time to study anything other than those related to the entrance test which deprives them of comprehensive knowledge in other areas like science and technical education or social sciences.

Students have no choice but to prepare for both school exams and entrance tests, but there is no provision for any help from teachers during these times. Even if there is some time allotted, it’s not enough as they have many other things on their hands such as house chores or studies.

The education system needs to be reformed and made more competitive

education system needs to be reformed and made more competitive

The education system needs to be reformed and made more competitive so that students do not feel the need to join such institutes. It is often seen that students from poor families lack opportunities but when they get admitted into coaching centres, it becomes difficult for them to get jobs in their respective fields due to a lack of knowledge about coaching centres. The government should also make sure that there are no fake institutes which take advantage of young minds by offering them high salaries without any qualifications or experience required for such jobs.

Coaching centres pose a threat to school education

Coaching centres pose a threat to school education. They are more than just a place where one can learn the skills of coaching and become a coach. These centres also serve as an outlet for children who suffer from mental illness or other problems but don't have access to proper medical care. The coaches at these camps provide emotional support and counselling for these children, which can be very beneficial for their development into successful adults.

However, there are some concerns about this practice:

  • The coaches may not understand how best to help their students' issues directly (e.g., by supporting them emotionally or providing them with guidance on how best to handle their situation).

  • Coaches do not have much experience working with children who have special needs (especially those who need medication management).

  • There is no formal training required before becoming an instructor; therefore it's possible that instructors could abuse their power over young people without realizing they've crossed ethical boundaries set forth by society’s standards regarding child safety."


essay on coaching centres are a threat to school

Despite the fact that coaching centres are a threat to schools, they do have their benefits. In fact, many coaches can help students with their education and even get an extra degree in marketing or business administration while they're working on their own projects. 

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