Friday, October 28, 2022

Essay on bhai dooj in English

 Bhai dooj Essay in English

Essay on Bhai dooj


Bhai Dooj is a festival celebrated in India to celebrate the bond of love between brothers and sisters. The tradition was started by Lord Yamraj, who wanted to pacify his sister, Yamuna Devi. This festival is also a way of showing love towards your siblings who are not near to you.

Bhai Dooj is a festival that is observed to celebrate the bond of love between a brother and a sister.

Bhai Dooj, bond between brothers and sisters

Bhai Dooj is a festival that is observed to celebrate the bond of love between a brother and a sister. It is celebrated on the last day of Diwali also known as Kartik Poornima.

The word 'bhai' means 'brother'. The word dooj means 'to shower'. So, Bhai Dooj literally means "brother showering". This celebration has its roots in ancient times when it was believed that if you have done good deeds throughout your life, then your soul will go to heaven after death. To make sure this happens, people used to perform puja (worship) by lighting lamps or oil lamps filled with sandalwood paste (sandal) and incense sticks on an idol made out of clay or stone at home or temple premises before going out into society again and doing good deeds there too."

Bhai dooj is celebrated on the last day of Diwali

Bhai dooj is celebrated on the last day of Diwali

The festival is celebrated on the last day of Diwali also known as Kartik Poornima. It is a festival that celebrates the bond of love between a brother and a sister. It is believed that Lord Rama had performed this ritual for his brother Lakshmana to make him happy, but it didn’t work out well because Lakshmana was killed by Ravana during their exile in Lanka.

Bhai Dooj is observed in India between October 11th and 12th every year, where people gather together to pray for peace, prosperity, and happiness among all members of society including friends, relatives, etc.

Sisters welcome their brothers

Sisters welcome their brothers on bhai dooj

On this day, sisters welcome their brothers by applying tilak on their foreheads and offering them sweets. They also give gifts to their siblings and this is how the tradition of bhai dooj began.

The custom of performing this festival was started by Lord Yamraj

The custom of performing this festival was started by Lord Yamraj, who wanted to pacify his sister, Yamuna Devi. He sent a messenger to her with a message that he would not disturb her anymore. He also sent gifts to her and wanted them to be distributed among the people in the village where she lived.

Brother promises to protect his sister from evil eyes

Brother promises to protect his sister from evil eyes on bhai dooj

In return for the gifts, the brother promises to protect his sister from evil eyes forever and offer shelter in times of need too.

This festival is also a way of showing love to your siblings

This festival is also a way of showing love to your siblings who are not near to you.

You can show the love and respect you have for them by doing something special for them, like cooking a delicious meal or giving them gifts. You can also do it by taking care of them during this time when they are away from home.

They are your family and it’s important that you stick together as one big family unit because no one knows what kind of problems may happen in the future so it is better if everyone stays together as brothers/sisters rather than separated from each other by miles away from each other.

This festival enhances the bonding between the siblings-brothers and sisters!

Bhai dooj enhances the bonding between the brothers and sisters

This festival is celebrated to show love to your brothers and sisters. If you have a brother or sister, then you must celebrate this festival on the last day of Diwali also known as Kartik Poornima. It is celebrated on the full moon day of Kartik month. This festival enhances the bonding between all members of your family who have been separated due to distance or any other reason like jobs etc., so they can come back together again with their loved ones during this time.


It is a festival that is celebrated by all the siblings, who want to show their love and affection. This festival can be observed after Diwali or on a day of your choice. The brothers and sisters perform pooja together and offer each other sweets and gifts.

10 Lines Essay on Bhai Dooj

  1. Bhai Dooj is a Hindu festival that celebrates the love between brothers and sisters.
  2. Sisters apply 'tilak' on their brothers' foreheads, while brothers give blessings and gifts.
  3. Bhai Dooj is an important festival falling on the fifth day after Diwali, honoring the sibling relationship.
  4. Bhai Dooj emphasizes the love, trust, and protection shared between siblings.
  5. Myths include Lord Krishna and Subhadra's bond and Yama's visit to his sister Yamuna.
  6. The festival is celebrated with diverse customs and traditions across the country.
  7. Bhai Dooj strengthens the emotional connection and harmony among siblings.
  8. Modern times see virtual gatherings and unique ways of celebrating Bhai Dooj.
  9. Traditional sweets like gujiyas, barfis, and kheer are savored on this day.
  10. The festival symbolizes love, togetherness, and the beauty of siblinghood.

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