Sunday, October 16, 2022

Essay on cleanliness.


Essay on Cleanliness

Cleanliness is the state of being undisturbed by dirt, filth, or impure matter. It is a state in which something appears clean and fresh-looking. The word is derived from the Latin adjective Clarus meaning "clear", and its related forms include "clean" (from Old English cleop) and "cleans" (from Middle English clenche). Many languages have special words for objects, surfaces or other entities that are considered to be unclean. The word "sanitation" derives from Latin sanae -sane meaning clean.

Sanitation and cleanliness is the greatest factor to sustain a healthy environment.

Sanitation and Cleanliness

Cleanliness is next to godliness. Cleanliness is the greatest work of civilization and it is also one of the most important factors that determine the healthiness of an institution or a workplace. The first sign of civilization in human life is cleanliness, which indicates that people have learned to live in peace and harmony with nature. If we look at our environment now, we will see how much pollution has been caused by non-cleanliness over time due to industrialization, urbanization etcetera; but this has not always been so!

Cleanliness can be defined as ‘the absence or state without dirt or impurity’ (Merriam Webster Dictionary). It involves keeping things clean so that they do not become dirty or contaminated by germs from other people's hands (or animals' paws), food waste being thrown away instead of used as fertilizer for plants etcetera; keeping personal items such as clothing shiny and bright white colouring instead dull black colours like coal dust would produce - even though these may seem trivial compared with other aspects related directly towards improving overall quality levels within society today modern world economy modern science scientific-technological society society.

Cleanliness is the greatest work of civilization.

Cleanliness is the greatest work of civilization

Cleanliness is next to godliness. Cleanliness is a habit of mind and heart, not merely the absence of dirtiness; it is primarily an attitude toward one's environment, rather than merely a matter of cleaning up after oneself or getting rid of any particular kind of filth. It includes an awareness that beauty is in the eye (and hand) of the beholder and that each person has different ideas about what makes things beautiful: some like cleanness more than others; some might even hate it! In addition, there are other factors such as religion which influence our views on cleanliness too - for example, Catholics tend towards being tidy while Protestants tend towards being messy! So even though we may be religious we still need to keep our homes tidy so they don't smell bad when company visits us :)

The first sign of civilization in human life is cleanliness.

The first sign of civilization in human life is cleanliness. Cleanliness is a necessary condition for our own health and happiness, as well as the preservation of the environment. It can also be related to many other aspects such as education, the economy and society. Therefore, it must be taken into consideration that if we want to achieve success in these areas then we need to make sure that our school buildings are clean so that students can concentrate on learning without worrying about how dirty their classrooms or classrooms may be.

It is a necessary condition for our own health and happiness.

Health and happiness

Cleanliness is a habit. It's also the most important thing that you can do for your own health and happiness!

In fact, it's so important that according to one of the verses in the Bible, "A clean heart is a place where love resides." So if you want to feel better about yourself and make yourself more attractive then try cleaning up around your home or apartment as often as possible!

This comes from good habits and acts of cleanliness.

good habits and acts of cleanliness

Cleanliness is part of our daily life. It is something that we need to practice every day, because if you don’t clean your room then there will be dirt and dust everywhere in it, which might make you feel tired or sick. If this happens then it means that you do not pay attention when it comes to keeping yourself clean!

We must be concerned about environmental issues as well that can lead to a better society and world

concerned about environmental issues

As a student, you will be exposed to many things that can affect your health. You have to be concerned about environmental issues as well that can lead to a better society and world. Cleanliness is an important factor in the development of a society; it is also one of the greatest virtues. Cleanliness is next to godliness, which means it should be practised by everyone regardless of their religion or race. It has always been considered one of the most important factors for sustaining a healthy environment because without cleanliness there cannot be any life on earth (Khan & Khan, 2014).


As we can see, cleanliness is a good habit and a necessity for our own health and happiness. The first sign of civilization in human life is cleanliness. It is a necessary condition for our own health and happiness. This comes from good habits and acts of cleanliness. We must be concerned about environmental issues as well that can lead to a better society and world

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