Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Essay on Corruption free India for a developed nation

 Corruption free India for a developed nation

Essay on Corruption Free India


Corruption is an issue which affects a number of areas like education, healthcare, national security and justice. It is not limited to one country or region; it is prevalent in almost all parts of the world. Corruption in India is affecting a lot of areas like healthcare, education and justice. Recently there has been an incident where former IPL chairman Lalit Modi has been banned by ICC for his involvement with alleged corruption charges against him.

Impacts of Corruption

Impacts of Corruption

Corruption is a worldwide problem that affects a number of areas like education, healthcare and national security. It is not limited to one country or region; it is prevalent in almost all parts of the world. Corruption has been defined as "the abuse of entrusted power for private gain". In this essay, I will discuss how corruption can be eliminated by free India for a developed nation so that we can enjoy good health and education system in future.

Corruption in India

Corruption in India

Corruption in India is affecting a lot of areas like healthcare, education, national security and justice. There have been several instances where corruption has had a negative impact on our national security and has also affected us internationally. Recently the International Cricket Council suspended former Indian Premier League chairman Lalit Modi from all types of cricket for life after finding him guilty of various breaches including bribery and corruption.

Corruption not only affects economic development but can also lead to poor quality jobs and low wages as well as poor health care facilities which negatively impact their population's well-being, especially in developing countries like India which needs more resources to develop at an accelerated rate so that they can compete with other developed nations.

Corruption affects economic development

Corruption affects economic development

Corruption affects economic development in a number of ways. A country that is ridden with corruption faces a lot of problems in terms of regulating and controlling necessary services. This can lead to bad governance, low-quality jobs and lower wages. Corruption also hampers economic growth as it leads to capital flight from developing countries because investors are unwilling to invest their money in an environment where they feel unsafe or uncertain about the future outcome of their transactions.

Corruption has long been considered one of the biggest challenges faced by developing nations; however, recent studies have shown that there has been a steep decline in corruption levels over time since the 1990s when it hit its peak at around 60% (World Bank).

Impacts of Corruption on public and private sectors

Impacts of Corruption on public and private sectors

Corruption affects everyone, rich or poor. The common man suffers because he has to pay higher taxes and also has to pay bribes to get his work done. Moreover, it affects both the public and private sectors as well as local governments, state governments and even central governments. The common man suffers immensely because he pays higher taxes and also has to pay bribes to get his work done.

Corruption can be defined as when someone breaks the law for personal gain or advantage by using their power or authority for personal gain rather than the public good. It's prevalent in all walks of life including politics which can have devastating effects on people's lives, especially those who are poor or lower class.

Corruption-free India to become a developed nation

Corruption-free India to become a developed nation

For this to happen, the existing system has to be completely uprooted, along with all its corrupt officials and people, as well as the corruption within it. The current system is corrupt and must be reformed. A strong law has to be drafted, and with that, sanctions should be implemented accordingly so that corruption will not occur again. A corrupt individual must be punished mercilessly and the fear of the law should come over him when he sees another corrupt individual punished. This can only be accomplished by punishing both bribers and takers of bribes quickly and decisively which will discourage anyone who is willing to take part in corruption. This is the roadmap for making our country India free from corruption to become a developed nation.


Corruption is a serious problem that needs to be addressed urgently. The best way to tackle corruption is by making it a criminal offence and not just an administrative matter. As a country, India can only be truly developed when corruption is completely eradicated, and that is when it can claim to be developed. Until that time, let us continue to fight together for freedom different from the one we had before. To start, let us remove corruption from our own lives. Once we are corruption free, we are then able to inspire others to do the same, thereby starting a revolution for Corruption free India.

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