Saturday, October 29, 2022

Essay on The cure for evils of democracy is more democracy

 Essay on The cure for evils of democracy is more democracy

The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy, not dictatorship. We should draw lessons from the gains, which were achieved in the process of struggle against dictatorship in many parts of the world, as also from mistakes committed by all those who took to dictatorship. We should see what lessons can be drawn from the international situation and the experiences of all countries to combine our efforts to build a democratic society without exploitation and oppression. In our country, we have achieved a great deal through democratic methods and we have no reason to despair of democracy or seek any other means. What our people need is not a dictatorship, but greater consciousness, greater unity and a greater determination to work harder and work better. This can be done only when our people are given full information about everything that affects their lives so that they are enabled to take part in deciding it.

Essay on The cure for evils of democracy is more democracy

The cure for evils of democracy is more democracy, not dictatorship

Dictatorship is not the answer to our problems and it's time we came to terms with that. Democracy has its flaws but it's still the best form of government we have available today. In fact, there are dictatorships that have been less violent than some democracies; they just don't practice them openly like we do here in America (or much at all).

We should draw lessons from the gains, which were achieved in the process of struggle against dictatorship in many parts of the world, as also from mistakes committed by all those who took to dictatorship

Democracy is not perfect; it can be improved by learning from other countries and drawing lessons from their experiences. Japan has been a great example of how democracy can be made better through its own democratic process. Here are some examples: 
  • In 1956 when Shigeru Yoshida became Prime Minister for one year with support from Communist Party leader Kanji Ishihara, he was able to pass reforms such as reducing military spending and increasing taxes on liquor sales because he had no party behind him!

We should see what lessons can be drawn from the international situation and the experiences of all countries to combine our efforts to build a democratic society without exploitation and oppression

It is a fact that the world has become more democratic, but we must see what lessons can be drawn from the international situation and the experiences of all countries to combine our efforts to build a democratic society without exploitation and oppression. 
The first lesson is that we need to increase participation in politics. The second lesson is that we need information about politics so that people can make decisions based on facts rather than myths or rumours. Thirdly, there should be aware of what happens in government so they know how their own actions affect other people's lives or future generations' lives. 

In our country, we have achieved a great deal through democratic methods and we have no reason to despair of democracy or to seek any other means

Democracy is the best way to govern and solve problems. The history of our country has been a story of how democracy has helped us achieve more than any other system can. Indian democracy has been successful in many ways: 
  • It has brought stability and peace to all parts of India, which was once a divided country with strife between different religions, castes, languages and regions. 
  • The right to freedom of speech, expression and opinion is guaranteed by our constitution. This enables people from every walk of life to express their views freely without fear or hindrance. This helps build respect for each other's views among Indians as well as other countries around the world who watch us live through TV channels like CNN or BBC News 24 (which broadcast both English & Hindi news bulletins).

What our people need is not a dictatorship, but greater consciousness, greater unity and a greater determination to work harder and work better

  • The cure for evils of democracy is more democracy
  • The cure for the evils of capitalism is more capitalism with popular control
  • The cure for the evils of communism is more communism with popular control.

This can be done only when our people are given full information about everything that affects their lives so that they are enabled to take part in deciding it

The first step in this direction is to remove all obstacles which prevent them from knowing what is going on around them and make sure that every citizen has access to decent education, health care and social services. 
In addition, we need an elected government which allows for greater participation by the citizens themselves rather than just being able to cast an occasional vote at election time. We must also ensure democratic principles such as freedom of speech, association or religion are respected by all parties involved in making decisions affecting us all as individuals or as a community developing together towards common goals like improving public services delivery through increased accountability measures - including seeking feedback from citizens when making decisions affecting their lives directly."

More involvement with democracy is needed for it to work properly

As we all know, democracy is a system of government that allows the people to rule themselves. This can be done through voting for representatives who then make decisions for them in parliament. However, there are many problems with this method of running things because it does not involve all citizens equally and often only concentrates power in the hands of one group or another (usually wealthy). 
There are two ways in which more involvement with democracy might help solve these issues: firstly, by encouraging more people from different walks of life (e.g., military personnel) into politics; secondly, by allowing anyone who feels like they want to change within their country's system get involved in making changes themselves!


In conclusion, we should see what lessons can be drawn from the international situation and the experiences of all countries to combine our efforts to build a democratic society without exploitation and oppression.

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