Sunday, October 23, 2022

Essay on service to mankind is service to God

 Service to mankind is service to God

Essay on Service to mankind is service to God


Service to mankind is service to god. The Bible says: Whatever you do unto the least of my sons, you do it for me. Jesus Christ taught his disciples to love one another and show mercy to poor and needy people. All religions teach us that we should not only love god but also mankind We should help our fellow beings and serve them with love and sympathy. We should strive to bring a smile to their tired faces This is the greatest kind of worship any man can perform on this earth The Quran teaches us that kindness and charity will never go unrewarded by Allah Almighty And it also promises a great reward in the hereafter On the Day of Judgement, all good deeds will be reckoned and rewarded according to their worth

In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others”.

In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others”.

It is important that we learn how to be selfless and give up our selfishness. This will make us more humble and help us understand that there are many people who need our help, so it is necessary for us not only to help them but also to share with them what we know about life.

It’s easy for us as humans with big egos (selfish desires) or arrogant personalities (pride) who think we know everything about this world due to its small size compared with theirs; but if we look at things rationally like Gandhi did then maybe they might change their minds on how they see themselves because now they realize how much more there really is out there than just themselves!

Service to mankind is service to god.

Service to mankind is service to god. God is love, and love is service. All of us are in god, and all of us are in each other. The world needs you to be a servant of your life and your community because it’s bigger than anything we can imagine on our own or with just ourselves.

The Bible says: Whatever you do unto the least of my sons, you do it for me.

saying of bible

The Bible says: Whatever you do unto the least of my sons, you do it for me.

Jesus Christ said whatever you do to the least of my brothers, you do it to me. And Jesus is the son of god. He is also called messiah, which means "anointed one".

Jesus Christ taught his disciples to love one another and show mercy to poor and needy people.

Jesus Christ taught his disciples to love one another and show mercy to poor and needy people. He also said that we should give our possessions away to the poor, so they can live in comfort.

This is a great commandment that we must follow because it makes us happy as well as gives us an opportunity to serve others. If you want to help your friends or family members who are less fortunate than you then there are many ways in which you can do this.

All religions teach us that we should not only love god but also mankind.

service to mankind

We should not only love god and serve him by serving others but also love mankind and serve them by serving others.

It is true that all religions teach us that we should not only love god but also mankind. In fact, it is considered a sin to do so. This can be seen in the Bible: "You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the sons of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself" (Leviticus 19:18).

This means that if you want to be accepted by God then he expects you to love both him and humanity equally!

We should help our fellow beings and serve them with love and sympathy.

Service to mankind is important. It helps us in many ways and brings happiness to the people around us. We should try our best to serve our fellow beings by bringing them joy, happiness, and love through our service activities.

We should strive to bring a smile to their tired faces by serving them with love and sympathy. We should also help each other solve their problems if possible rather than ignoring them or making fun of them because we are not aware of what they have gone through in life that led them towards depression or even suicide attempts due to some bad experiences they had before coming across you.

We should strive to bring a smile to their tired faces. This is the greatest kind of worship any man can perform on this earth.

Service to mankind is important. It is a way to show love for God and your fellow beings. Service to mankind should be at the center of our lives because it will bring smiles to the tired faces of those who need it most.

The Teaching of The Quran

The Teaching of the Quran

The Quran teaches us that kindness and charity will never go unrewarded by Allah Almighty. It also promises a great reward in the hereafter.

This is an example of a good deed that is rewarded.

On the Day of Judgement

On the Day of Judgement, all good deeds will be reckoned and rewarded according to their worth. The reward will be in proportion to the effort put into it, as well as it's quality and intention.

Service to mankind is important, regardless of religion or language

Service to mankind is important, regardless of religion or language. Everyone can do something to help others.

Examples of how you can serve humanity:

  • Volunteer at an animal shelter. If there's one thing that everyone should be able to agree on, it'd be that animals deserve better than what they're getting now (e.g., being locked up in cages). Working with animals gives you a chance to connect with them and make a difference in their lives!

  • Give money directly to people who need it most—and make sure you know where your money is going! There are so many charities out there trying desperately for our attention—and we've got plenty ourselves! But if we only give when asked by someone else instead of just giving because we want too... well then everything would fall apart pretty fast wouldn't it?


Human beings have come to exist on this planet for a purpose, to serve mankind. Thus, service to mankind is also service to god. The only difference between the two is that we don't always know what the purpose of our existence is, but we do know that one day it will be revealed at an unknown time or place.

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